Following CAFTA-DR provisions,
CA-PEQ will no longer hold auctions for the tariff-rate quota of fresh, refrigerated, or frozen chicken leg quarters (CLQs) from the United States into El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras. The CLQ quota will be eliminated, and product will enter duty free to these CAFTA countries starting in 2023. Guatemala had previously eliminated tariffs on CLQs effective April 11, 2017, as agreed by the Governments of Guatemala and the United States. |

Welcome to Central America
Poultry Export Quota, Inc.
Central America Poultry Export Quota, Inc. (CA-PEQ) was formed in 2005 by the poultry industries of El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the United States.
CA-PEQ was formed to assist the governments of signatories to the Central
American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) to administer
provisions establishing a tariff-rate quota on chicken leg quarters
imported by El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua from the United
CA-PEQ is a Delaware not-for-profit
corporation that has received an Export Trade Certificate of Review from
the U.S. Department of Commerce to conduct open-tender auctions for the right to import chicken leg quarters in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua at zero-duty in the amount of the tariff-rate quota established by CAFTA-DR.